with Tara & Pips

Children's stories as preparation for medical interventions. Tara & Pips accompany families before and during medical examinations and interventions. Playfully and at eye level.

Tara & Pips

Learning through storytelling and reducing fears


Förderung der Hörkompetenz:
Audios in 6 Sprachen.
Keine animierten Inhalte.


Spiel- & Bastelideen zu allen Geschichten und Meditationen.

Parents section

Advice in the parents' section: The caregivers are also learning.

35 Fantasie-Geschichten

Erlebe Tara & Pips auch in ganz vielen spannenden Abenteuern mit Themen wie
Freundschaft, Medienkompetenz, Parties, Zirkus, Piraten und vieles mehr !

Playful preparation

Visits to the doctor, dentist and hospital often cause anxiety and worry for children and parents.

What is happening to me? Does it hurt? How do I get well again?

Examinations, treatment of illnesses and especially emergencies are borderline experiences.

Children aged 4 to 9 are prepared for medical procedures with children's stories to read and listen to.

*6* Sprachen:

Listening and reading

Growing together: families & medical professionals

The families know what to expect, become part of it and grow with it.

The work of doctors and nursing staff is made easier thanks to improved collaboration. The shared knowledge accelerates the Healing process.


Craft and game ideas


Age of the children

Tara & Pips in the App and Google Play Store

Prepared patients are the better ones.

Studien bestätigen: Vorbereitung und Wissen wirken sich positiv aus auf

Sara Taubman-Hildebrand


Some Love From Our Clients

“ Saskia liebt alles an Tara & Pips, besonders die Strickdruckbonbon-Maschine :-)… ! …danke für die wertvollen Geschichten und Spielideen.”

Emilia M.

Mama von Saskia (5)

“Beim Impfen hat es Milo geholfen, Pips im Herzen dabei zu haben. Danke für die tollen Geschichten, die Kids lieben sie.”

Familie Peyer

Eliot (4) & Milo (6)

“Die Fantasiegeschichten sind spannend und freundlich und eignen sich auch zum Einschlafen, weil sie nicht so nervös und laut sind, das ist super… Danke.”

Anina H.

Nilo (8) und Lina (5)

“It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”

Fred Rogers


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