“Having siblings” - how do I prepare my child for this?

A second or third child changes the family constellation. The situation is not easy, especially for the first-born, as it is to a certain extent “dethroned” by its sibling and can become jealous as a result. This is because the newborn, by its very nature, will get a lot of attention. Here we would like to recommend children's books to help you prepare your child for a new sibling.


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A second or third child changes the family dynamic. Especially for the firstborn, the situation is not easy, as they may feel “deposed” by their sibling and can become jealous. The newborn, by nature, will receive a lot of attention.

Here, we would like to recommend children's books to prepare your child for a new sibling.

The following books are suitable from around 2 years of age and are recommended by many parents in preparation for a sibling.

Children's books on the subject of having siblings*

Ein Geschwisterchen für die kleine Eule von Debi Gliori
Ein sehr süsses und witziges Einsteigerbuch zum Thema.

Baby is Here: Four-Color Board Book (German) by Danielle Graf
Toni is getting a sibling. At first, it's very exciting. But soon the question arises: Can the baby be returned? Needs-oriented, full of everyday situations (including negative ones!), and beautifully illustrated.

Our tip: “Tara and the missing knitting needle”

Geschichte aus Tara & Pips

Die Geschichte bietet sich an, wenn das ältere Kind gerade besonders eifersüchtig ist, Sachen kaputt macht oder sich vor den Eltern verschliesst.

Sie hilft dem älteren Kind, seine Wut auszudrücken.

Bobo Siebenschläfer gets a sibling from Markus Osterwalder
Bobo is getting a baby brother or sister and is full of anticipation and helps the parents with the preparations. Very loving and positive - especially great if your child is already a Bobo fan.

We are now four! From Sabine Cuno
Small babies cry, can't play ball yet and demand attention from mom - it's easy to get jealous and angry. These aspects are also covered in detail in this book.

Our baby (Why? Why? Why?) junior, Volume 12
The well-known series has also published a realistic children's book on the subject of new additions to the family.
This book is characterized by realistic pictures:
- Mom's belly gets bigger over time
- The baby is naked at birth with umbilical cord 
- Mom is ready to go after the birth
- the baby is breastfed and given a bottle

When is the right time to tell your child about the new sibling? Opinions vary – but it should be done at the latest when the belly is already quite visible.

More about the right timing can be found in the article: When Little Kids Become Big Siblings. Or: "How Do I Tell My Child?"

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