About Us

Tara & Pips Empowerment

Discover more about our empowerment

iOS & Android app in the Apple and Play Store

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Age of the children




Craft and game ideas

Kinderstark is committed to strengthening and supporting children and families. Our aim is to promote the children's inherent resources and to accompany them on their way to becoming mindful, self-confident and creative personalities. Empowerment, i.e. the strengthening of inner strength, courage, confidence and foresight, is at the heart of what we do. The message is: You are strong - you can do it yourself - we are here for you and will support you.

At Kinderstark, we believe that every child has the potential to be strong and self-competent. Through targeted support and encouragement, we want to help children discover and develop their strengths so that they can go through life with confidence and clarity, self-determined and strong. 

Children in modern societies are increasingly struggling with anxiety, stress and social insecurity. The multi-crisis has meant that mental health problems are currently the most common reason for hospitalizations of children and adolescents. 

With this in mind, how can preventative measures be taken at an early age to better prepare children for life and the community? 

With this in mind, how can preventative measures be taken at an early age to better prepare children for life and the community?

This is where the empowerment app Tara & Pips comes in. Tara & Pips is already successfully supporting families before, during and after hospital and doctor visits. Fears are reduced through stories and the autonomy and adherence of children and families are strengthened. 

By expanding the app, new stories and meditations are now being produced that help children to acquire basic psychological knowledge, express their feelings and integrate sustainably strengthening mindfulness exercises into their everyday lives. 


Self-competence and happiness can be learned.
It's not witchcraft - but it brings a lot of magic!

A happiness suitcase project for kindergarten and lower school classes is currently being developed. The project is being realized in collaboratioan with the Kind+Spital association.

PIPSI – das gesunde & bunte Magazin für Kinder

Gesundheitsabenteuer für die ganze Familie!

Ob in der Apotheke, beim Kinderarzt oder gemütlich zuhause – mit PIPSI kommt garantiert keine Langeweile auf! Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Medizin: Spannende Spiele, knifflige Quizze und lustige Beiträge warten auf dich. Die Strickdruck-Bonbonmaschine rattert momentan auf Hochtouren! Wann wird wohl die allererste PIPSI-Ausgabe heraus flattern? – Bleib gespannt, wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden!

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