When can I start reading to my child?

When should I start reading to my child? Many parents ask themselves this question. According to a study by the Stiftung Lesen, almost a quarter of all families do not read aloud at all in the first three years.

That's a pity: You really can't start early enough to explore books and stories with your child.

At what point do children start listening when being read to?

This question - like all other questions concerning the development of your child - cannot be answered in a general way.

While some toddlers listen enthusiastically to longer narratives, others are more easily distracted.

If you start reading aloud early, the transition from simple picture books to exciting stories happens seamlessly.

Our tip:
To inspire your baby or toddler with your passion for reading, the atmosphere is crucial. Little ones love to snuggle up in the arms of mom or dad.

Take time for this exclusive quiet moment together, turn off the TV and smartphone, and enjoy the closeness. Even if the little ones lack comprehension of the text, they love the rhythmic voice of their parents.

Are there books from 3 months for babies?

Classic books from which you can read to your baby are rare. Baby books for this age group have no text.

Your baby will find the bright colors interesting and later recognize the individual motifs in their surroundings. Discover the motifs together with your baby and playfully expand their vocabulary. Tell in your own words what is happening.

Other baby books are more like a toy in book form. They are made of fabric or plastic and can be handled by small hands. Rattles, squeaky elements, or crinkly materials promote the motor development of your baby.

All these books build a bridge to the "real books". They are a good foundation to promote the joy of reading from the very beginning.

Our tip: By around 8 months, most babies start showing more interest in pictures! That's when you can start explaining to them.

What stories can I read to help me fall asleep?

In many families, reading aloud is a fixed evening ritual. The stories you choose for this vary from child to child. Especially toddlers love repetitions.

You're doing everything right if you know the evening children's book by heart. It doesn't matter, because this way the sentence patterns imprint on your little one. The development of language use is promoted.

Be careful:
The children's book before bedtime shouldn't be too upsetting, otherwise it might lead to nightmares.

Radio plays - just as great as reading aloud!

By the way, audio dramas are just as great as reading books aloud. Most children from 4 years old love audio dramas. The rule here is: less is more. The same audio book can be listened to so often that it gets on the parents' nerves…

Exciting stories are better read aloud. If it gets scary, your child can intervene at any point and snuggle up to you.

Conclusion - Reading aloud begins at baby age

To awaken your child's love of reading at school age, you can start by reading to your baby. The development progresses from simple picture books to more complex stories. In doing so, you not only promote concentration and language skills but also stimulate the imagination. Last but not least, reading aloud at any age strengthens the close bond between parents and children.

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