For Partners

Empowerment with Tara & Pips - at your practice!

Children and their carers can prepare for a visit to the dentist ad hoc - via an app that they can download immediately.

  • Target group: 4 to 9-year-old children
  • Stories in Swiss German, German, English, French, Italian and Spanish
  • In this overview you can see all the contents of the stories for hospitals and practices.
  • In this overview see all dental topics, that are dealt with in the stories.

What materials will I receive for my practice?

Each year you will receive an A2 poster (42 x 59 cm) and 200 flyers with a Health Plus code.

Additionally, you can delight your patients with our mini booklet. It provides information about the project's goals and includes medical games for fun and pastime.

What is the Health Plus Code?

Ihre Patient:innen erhalten einen QR-Code, um damit 1 Monat alle Inhalte der App Tara & Pips zu konsumieren. Sie können sich alle Geschichten von Tara & Pips anhören, vorlesen lassen oder als Bildervideos ansehen – eine sinnvolle Beschäftigung auch für längere Wartezeiten.

Was kostet die Mitgliedschaft?

Für Druck von Poster, Flyer und Versand, Produktion neuer Inhalte und Wartung der App wird ein Unkostenbeitrag einer Jahres-Mitgliedschaft von 216.- CHF erhoben.
Die Mitgliedschaft erneuert sich jährlich automatisch. Sie ist jederzeit auf Ende des Jahres per E-Mail kündbar.

Mit dem Beitrag leisten Sie eine wertvolle Unterstützung zur Finanzierung des Empowerment-Projektes. Vielen Dank!

Posters for the waiting area:


By mail to or via the registration form below. Thank you very much for your interest in becoming a member of Tara & Pips!

Registration in German

Empowerment - Stories as Preparation

Stories are a particularly effective method for overcoming fears and preparing children optimally for medical procedures. According to the principles of brain integration, stories play a central role by engaging the creative and emotional areas of the right hemisphere of the brain while simultaneously activating the logical and linguistic functions of the left hemisphere.

This holistic stimulation not only promotes understanding but also allows for a deeper processing of experiences, thereby enabling the reduction of fears and uncertainties. Thus, stories provide an ideal platform to familiarize children with the topics of doctors, dentists, hospital visits in a playful manner and help them cope with their fears or prevent them from arising in the first place.

(vgl. u.a. “The Whole-Brain Child” von Daniel J. Siegel und Tina Payne Bryson).

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