Tara's & Pips' World

Tara's world 

Tara, her little brother Art, her best friend Nita and her sister Asha live here.

Do you see them all?

Will you also discover Molly Morgan with her cats?

Would you like to draw a house like this? Maybe the house of your dreams? Or do dormice live in your house? Or witches?

Pips' world

When Tara scrubs, she dives into the dormouse world. This is where Pips lives with his parents and his funny dormouse friends.

Will you discover the two crazy inventors and tinkerers Aunt Agathe and Uncle Heribert?

Of course, the knitted print candy machine is not to be missed... see it?

How would you prefer to move from one cave to the next? Do you have other ideas than those shown in the picture?

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