Why Girls are Strong, and Allowed to Cry – And so are Boys

Fortunately, anyone looking for children's books on the subject of "strong girls" will now find what they are looking for. But many parents are rightly bothered by the "strong princesses.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. Role clichés become complete inverted. It seems that girls now always have to be little bullies, strong and independent. Should girls get the impression that they are not allowed to be "girls"? 
  2. If the new girl image is the complete opposite of the classic princess, it resonates: Formerlywhen girls were still real princesses.

So let's not paint any old princesses with new paint. Let's just take a look at the real world.

Our Tara is brave, strong, also likes math and does chemistry experiments. Sometimes she is also afraid, of the doctor for example, she can't fall asleep and is afraid of the dark.

She loves her long hair and likes to have her hair done by Nita's older sister. She wears sometimes Dresses and sometimes also in pink. She plays with her younger brother, sometimes gets angry with other boys and her best friend is Nita.

In short, she is just a normal girl!

And what about boys? We have long known that boys are also allowed to show their feelings.

Pips our dormouse hero is admittedly a bit whiny sometimes. But instead he has incredible adventures in mind! After all, today's boys are creative, adventurous, funny, show their feelings and can do much more than fight dragons!

Art, Tara's little brother, is a real bookworm. Sometimes he's so clever that he can outsmart his big sister. But he also cries, just like normal boys.

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