Why reading aloud is important for life

Why is being able to read so important? Counter question: What would your world look like if street signs, menus and newspapers were composed of indefinable hieroglyphics? You simply wouldn't be able to find your way around. Not to mention all the other information that we convey and receive every day through letters. Reading makes you independent, it is an essential component for... Continue reading Warum Vorlesen fürs Leben wichtig ist

Dario's Profile

Dario is the cool older brother of Arian. He lives with his mother and are Arian and his father only on weekends.

Michel's Profile

Tara is (secretly) in love with Michel. Get to know him better here.

Art's Profile

Art is Tara's little brother. Get to know him better here!

Tara's & Pips' World

Tara's World This is where Tara, her little brother Art, her best friend Nita with her sister Asha live. Can you see them all? Do you also discover Molly Morgan with her cats? Would you like to draw a house like this? Maybe the house of your dreams? Or do dormice live in your house? Or witches? Pip's.. Continue reading Taras & Pips‘ Welt

Why Girls are Strong, and Allowed to Cry – And so are Boys

Fortunately, anyone looking for children's books on the subject of "strong girls" will now find what they are looking for. However, many parents are rightly bothered by the "strong princesses. There are two reasons for this: So let's not paint old princesses with new paint. Let's just take a look at the real world. Our Tara is brave, strong, also likes math and does... Continue reading Warum Mädchen stark sind und weinen dürfen – und Jungs auch

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